Pistonlu hareket uygulamaları için uygun olan çekme zinciri, dahili olarak monte edilmiş kablolar, yağ hatları, hava hatları, su hatları vb. için çekiş ve koruma sağlar. Çekme zincirinin her bölümü, kolay kurulum ve bakım için açılabilir. Düşük gürültü, yumuşak aşınma ile çalışır ve yüksek hızlı hareket yeteneğine sahiptir. Çekme zincirleri, CNC makinelerinde, elektronik ekipmanlarda, taş işleme makinelerinde, cam makinelerinde, kapı ve pencere makinelerinde, enjeksiyon kalıplama makinelerinde, robotlarda, kaldırma ve taşıma ekipmanlarında, otomatik depolarda ve diğer uygulamalarda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.
Relationship between Drag Chain Length and Stroke
Stroke (S): Refers to the maximum distance traveled by the mobile end of the drag chain. The optimal solution is when the fixed end is positioned at the center of the stroke, minimizing the required length of the drag chain.
The formula applies to all applications where the fixed end is located at the center of the stroke, excluding rotational movements and long stroke applications.
Small Semi-closed Drag Chain, Non-openable 10 Series, Semi-closed
Press-to-Open 10 Series with Convenient Operation, Convenient Press-to-Open Type
Small Bridge-type Drag Chain, Outward-opening 15 Series, Vertical Hole, Horizontal Hole
Small Semi-closed Drag Chain, Side-opening 15 Series, Side-opening, Data
Small Press-to-Open 15 Series with Convenient Operation
Small Semi-closed Drag Chain, Internal-opening 18 Series, Compatible with Divider Plates
Bridge-type Drag Chain, Outward-opening 18 Series
Small Press-to-Open 18 Series with Convenient Operation
Small Bridge-type Drag Chain, Double-side Opening 25 Series
Small Closed Drag Chain, Double-side Opening 25 Series, Closed
Reinforced Bridge-type Drag Chain, Double-side Opening 25 Series, Colorful Bridge-type, Special for Crossbeam, N indicates Universal, Y indicates Divider Block
Reinforced Closed Drag Chain, Double-side Opening 25 Series, Colorful Closed
Heavy-duty Bridge-type Drag Chain, Double-side Opening 35 Series
Heavy-duty Closed Drag Chain, Double-side Opening 35 Series
Silent Bridge-type Drag Chain, Double-side Opening 25 Series, Silent Bridge-type
Silent Enclosed Drag Chain, Double-side Opening 25 Series, Silent Enclosure
Features: Convenient and quick cabling, small pitch, lightweight, low noise operation (dependent on speed), wear resistance, corrosion resistance, suitable for high-speed applications.
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